Megan L. Curtis
East Lansing, Michigan
Master of Arts in Education: Technology and Learning Concentration
January 2016-present
As part of my master's program, I took courses on a range of topics, including integrating technology throughout content areas, reading assessment and differentiated instruction, and utilizing technology for assessment purposes.
East Lansing, Michigan
Bachelor of Arts​
Graduated: May 2011
As an undergraduate, I focused my studies on learning methods to best meet the needs of all learners. As a special education major, I took classes on assessment, differentiation, and behavior.
Holt, Michigan
August 2016-present
Third Grade Teacher​
As a third grade teacher in Holt, I teach reading, writing, and math to students in my class. In addition, I teach health to all students in third grade. Our school also utilizes grade level intervention time (Team Time). During Team Time, I utilize my background in special education to work with a group of Tier 2 reading students.
Eau Claire, Michigan
August 2013-August 2016
Third Grade Teacher
As a third grade teacher in Eau Claire, I taught reading, writing, and math to students in my class. In addition, I taught social studies to all students in third grade. During my time at Lybrook, I also taught a six-week summer school program to students in second and third grades.
Haslett, Michigan
January 2013-June 2013
Fifth Grade Teacher (Long-Term Substitute)
As a long-term substitute in Haslett, I provided core reading and writing instruction to two general education fifth grade classrooms. While at Ralya, I was also able to teach lessons in the Big Science program at Impression 5 Science Center.
Dansville, Michigan
August 2011-May 2012
Teacher Intern
I completed my student teaching internship at Dansville Elementary School. As a student in the special education program at Michigan State, I spent the first half of the year in a resource room serving students in grades 3-5. In this setting I developed an individualized mathematics program for a student with a cognitive impairment. I spent the second half of the year in a fifth grade general education classroom, where I taught lessons in reading, science, and math.
I have experience using the following technologies to develop lesson content, assess student learning, and provide student practice:
Website Creation: (Wix, Weebly, Wiki Spaces)


To download a full text version of my resume, click on the PDF below.